by Oliver Church

Peter and the Pumpkin Eater is book that will be written online. The goal is to update it daily. The story is not written yet. Nothing is designed but a very loose premise. And yet, I intend to write every day. The end product will be a full length middle-reader.

Here's what I have of the premise so far:
Peter will move to a small town where he will face his worst fears.

The Pumpkin Eater comes.

Who is the Pumpkin Eater? I'm not really sure yet. Let's find out together.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Test recording

So I did a quick test recording of myself reading the first part. And just for the fun of it (sort of goofing off) I read it with a bit of an accent. I had been chatting with a friend and we had joked how we always enjoyed our books on tape better when the reader had a British accent. So I gave it a shot. I don't do a really great British...but...I was fairly surprised that I quite liked the results. Primarilly, it keeps me from mumbling and being marble mouthed and sounding Utahn. Beyond that, it keeps me annunciating...which is awesome.

Anyhow, it's not a really clean recording (my wife was doing the dishes in the background at the time) but it gives the idea of what I'm thinking.

Peter and the Pumpkin Eater reading - first part - test

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